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Toasting a great tourism year

An awesome bunch of tourism ambassadors for the Central Highlands gathered for some festive celebrations in Emerald thanks to the Central Highlands Development Corporation. The...

Protecting Blackwater’s sewer pipes during hospital upgrade

The Central Highlands council has partnered with Queensland Health and the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) to ensure the much-needed expansion of Blackwater Hospital...

Racism rife at universities as many fear speaking out

Staff and students from minority groups have reported multifaceted forms of racism at universities, with many too afraid to speak out. Indigenous staff and...

Music festivals to trial pill testing after drug summit

People will be able to check what's in the drugs they plan to take as part of a trial authorities hope will prevent deaths...

Starting from scratch versus buying an existing business

Embarking on the journey of business ownership is a thrilling yet daunting prospect. Among the critical decisions that aspiring entrepreneurs face is whether to...

Be safe this Christmas

I would like to urge everyone across Central Queensland and the Wide Bay to be extra vigilant on the roads now that school holidays...

A Mammoth milestone

Coronado Global Resources cut its first coal at its Mammoth Underground Mine at Blackwater on Thursday, 19 December. State Minister for Natural Resources and...

From pamphlets to pixels, the battle against misinformation

In 1645, the English Long Parliament banned Christmas because it was seen as a Catholic plot to encourage sin and sensual delights. The ban...

DPI Minister plants seeds of hope for CH ag sector

The importance of agriculture to Queensland was a key message during a visit to the Gregory Electorate by the Minister and Assistant Minister for...

BreastScreen on the road in CH to save lives

Central Queensland women have access to lifesaving breast cancer screening closer to home, with BreastScreen Rockhampton Service’s mobile unit rolling in to Central Highlands...

It’s an outback Christmas

Emerald's Outback Exploratorium was filled with the spirit of Christmas as children frolicked on the lawn playing games at a family fun night on...

Trump taps more of his trusted allies for key roles

US President-elect Donald Trump has named his social media platform CEO Devin Nunes to lead an intelligence advisory panel and says his former intelligence...

The business of travelling

Business class - champagne, flat beds and seemly company, right? I recall one trip, with KLM, that featured none of that. The hard...